Notice of Complete Application Determination for Annual Licensing Applications
The following Applications were deemed completed for the Retail Storefront Commercial Cannabis Activity as part of the Annual Licensing Process.
This list can also be found on our Public Notice page.
Retail Annual Licensing
Storefront Retail and Microbusinesses Annual Licensing Application Process

Type 10 and Type 12 Annual Applications will be processed according to the following steps:
- Complete Annual License applications will be processed within 30 days. Once the application is confirmed to be complete, DCR will provide the Applicant with a Notice of Complete Application.
- Within 10 days of receiving the Notice of Complete Application, the applicant or a designated representative must contact the Neighborhood Council in which the proposed Business Premises is located, and offer to appear before the Neighborhood Council to address questions about the application. Applicants MUST provide written evidence of the offer to appear before the Neighborhood Council.
- DCR will schedule a community meeting within 45 days of sending the Notice of Complete Application. Notice of the community meeting will be provided by DCR to the nearest Neighborhood Council, Business Improvement District, and Council Office. Notice of the community meeting will also be mailed to the owners and occupants of all property within 700 feet of the property line of the proposed Business Premises.
- The community meeting will be held virtually. During the meeting, DCR will accept written and oral testimony regarding the application. The testimony will be summarized into a report for the Cannabis Regulation Commision.
- Within 90 days of the date DCR sends a Notice of Complete Application, DCR will either deny the issuance of the Annual License without a hearing, or, make a recommendation to the Cannabis Regulation Commission to issue the Annual License. DCR may deny a License based on written findings for any of the reasons listed in LAMC Section 104.04.
- If DCR recommends issuance of the Annual License, DCR will schedule the application to be heard by the Cannabis Regulation Commission. Notice of the Commission meeting will be provided by DCR to the nearest Neighborhood Council, Business Improvement District, and Council Office. Notice of the Commission meeting will also be mailed to the owners and occupants of all property within 700 feet of the property line of the proposed Business Premises.
- The Commission will hold a public meeting to decide whether or not to issue the Annual License. During the Commission meeting, the Commission will again hear public comment about the application. The Applicant, or a designated representative, may be provided time to speak about the application. The Commission may deny the issuance of an Annual License based on written findings for any of the reasons listed in LAMC Section 104.04. The Commission may impose conditions to address public safety concerns.
- If the application is approved by the Commission, DCR will file the Notice of Exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). There is a 35-day appeal period for CEQA determinations.
- If there is no appeal, DCR will issue the Annual License.
Community Meetings and CRC Hearings
Each retail application must have a community meeting and then approval in a public hearing by the Cannabis Regulation Commission. Notice of community meetings and public hearings will be mailed to the owners and occupants of all property within 700 feet of the property line of the proposed Business Premises. Each notice will contain information on the Applicant, the date of the meeting, time of the meeting, and how to access the virtual meeting and/or hearing. It will also include instructions for submitting materials in support of testimony for the meeting/hearing and guidelines for oral testimony.
Applicants must also post the Notice of Community Meetings at the Business Premises Location. DCR will email the applicants these notices to print out and put in visible location to the street.
Community Meetings. Community meetings will be conducted virtually. During this meeting, DCR will accept oral testimony concerning the application. Each individual will be afforded two minutes to provide oral testimony, time permitting. Written testimony may be submitted through a dedicated JotForm link: using the Applicant’s DCR record number. The deadline for written submissions is the day of the community meeting. DCR would appreciate it if each submission is limited to 10 pages on size 8 1⁄2 x 11 paper, including attachments. Written and oral testimony will be summarized for the Cannabis Regulation Commission, which will decide whether to issue the license during the public hearing. Written testimony received after the deadline will not be included in the report presented to the Cannabis Regulation Commission. Please note that the community meeting is designed solely for the community to express any concerns or support related to the application. There will be no discussion or decision made during this meeting.
Public Hearings. Public hearings will be conducted by the Cannabis Regulation Commission (CRC). The CRC will consider public comment regarding the application and decide whether to issue the commercial cannabis license. The meeting’s agenda will be provided no later than 72 hours before the meeting. An individual’s testimony will be limited to one (1) minute of general public comment per meeting and one (1) minute of public comment per agenda item, up to two (2) minutes per meeting. In total, an individual shall be limited to three (3) minutes of public comment per meeting. The Commission may limit the total amount of time for public comment.
Below is a sample of the notice of community meetings and public hearings.

DCR or the Cannabis Regulation Commission (CRC) may deny the issuance of an Annual License based on written findings for any of the reasons listed in LAMC Section 104.04. They include: general denial reasons, business premises reasons, unqualified ownership, disqualification of primary personnel, suspension for unlicensed activity or life safety violations.
If DCR denies the License Application, the Applicant must appeal to the CRC within 15 days. If the CRC denies the License Application, the Applicant must appeal to the City Council within 15 days. A decision by either appellate body is final.
Appeals to the Commission
An Applicant wishing to appeal DCR’s denial of their Annual License application for Storefront Retailer or Microbusiness Commercial Cannabis Activity with on-site sales must submit a request for an appeal to the CRC and include the reasons why DCR abused their discretion or made an error in denying the license. They must also pay the $6,802 fee listed in LAMC Section 104.19(e). The Applicant will have an opportunity to present their case to the CRC at a public hearing to be held within 90 days of receipt of the appeal. DCR will provide notice of the CRC hearing no less than 20 days prior to the hearing date.
Appeals to City Council
An Applicant wishing to appeal the CRC’s denial of their Annual License application for Storefront Retailer or Microbusiness Commercial Cannabis Activity with on-site sales must submit a request to City Council stating the reasons why the CRC abused their discretion or made an error in denying the license. They must also pay the $6,210 fee listed in LAMC Section 104.19(e). The City Council shall hold a public hearing to consider the appeal within 15 City Council meeting days of City Council's receipt of the appeal. No later than three days prior to any City Council hearing under this subsection, DCR shall provide notice of the hearing by electronic mail to the Applicant. The decision of the City Council is final.
You can find a more detailed guide to Retail Annual Licensing here.
Non-Retail Annual Licensing
Non-Retail Annual Licensing Application Process

All Annual Applications other than Type 10 and Type 12 retail businesses will be processed according to the following steps
- Complete Annual License applications will be processed within 30 days. Once the application is confirmed to be complete, DCR will provide the Applicant with a Notice of Complete Application.
- Within 90 days of sending the Notice of Complete Application, DCR will either grant the Applicant an Annual License, or, deny the issuance of the Annual License without a hearing. DCR may deny a License based on written findings for any of the reasons listed in LAMC Section 104.04. DCR may also impose conditions to address public safety concerns as part of granting the Annual License.
- If the application is approved, DCR will file the Notice of Exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). There is a 35-day appeal period for CEQA determinations.
- If there is no appeal, DCR will issue the Annual License.
Non-Retail Appeals
An Applicant wishing to appeal DCR’s denial of their Annual License application for any non-retail cannabis activity must submit a request for an appeal to the Cannabis Regulation Commission (CRC) and include the reasons why DCR abused their discretion or made an error in denying the license. The Applicant will have an opportunity to present their case to the Commission at a public hearing to be held within 90 days of receipt of the appeal. DCR will provide notice of the Commission hearing no less than 20 days prior to the hearing date.
Operating Permit
An Operating Permit is obtained after a location has passed their Final Inspection.
Operating Permit Requirements:
- Submit to DCR the Building Permit and/or a Certificate of Occupancy from the Department of Building and Safety (DBS) that includes all the necessary approvals and/or permits from other City agencies, for example a permit from the Los Angeles Fire Department’s Fire Development Services Section that includes ALL of the Commercial Cannabis Activities occurring within the Business Premises;
- Submit to DCR a current Health Department Permit (HDP) issued by the Los Angeles Department of Public Health (LACDPH) for the EACH Commercial Cannabis Activity and;
- Pass final DCR Inspection.

Public Health Permit, retailer/microbusiness:
- All Licensees must obtain a Public Health Permit for EACH Commercial Cannabis Activity.
- Law requires Licensee to obtain and post Emblem Placard (Public Safety).
- Licensees with Temporary Approval may operate without the Emblem Placard until January 1, 2025.
- Licensee must obtain a Building Permit for all activities.
Public Health Permit, non-retail:
- Submit Plans to DBS by February 28, 2025. Plan Check must be current (i.e. not expired under LAMC 98.0603).
- Obtain clearance or permit from the Fire Department (LAFD FDS) by February 28, 2026.
- Obtain Certificate of Occupancy (or Building Permit with all required inspections finalized) by February 28, 2027.
- Obtain Public Health Permit by June 30, 2027.
- May impact License Renewal.
LADCR Final Inspection:
- Must comply with all applicable operational regulations in the Rules and Regulations
- Adhere to Regulation No. 5
- Address any/all Notice to Correct (NTC’s)
To reach out to the Department of Cannabis Regulation, please Contact Us.
Reach out LADCR’s Compliance and Enforcement division at or call (213) 978-0738 to speak to a DCR representative.
DCR’s Public Counter is open Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. DCR is located at the following address:
221 N. Figueroa St, Suite 1245
Los Angeles, CA 90012