The Los Angeles Department of Cannabis Regulation (DCR) has been working diligently to submit and file your Notice of Exemption (NOE) with the State Clearing House, which serves as the final CEQA documentation required by the Department of Cannabis Control (DCC). DCR is prioritizing NOE’s based on the provisional license expiration dates for non-retail licensees and therefore is currently working on NOEs with state provisional license expiration dates in January and February 2025. DCRs environmental consultants are working on CEQA determinations for records with state provisional license expiration in March 2025 and beyond to help expedite the process.
Once DCR has made CEQA determinations, the Department will email licensees their Notice of Complete Application and file the NOE with the Los Angeles County Registrar - Recorder / County Clerk (RR/CC). After DCR receives the stamped and filed NOE back from the RR/CC, DCR will send the NOE to the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, State Clearing House Division electronically via the CEQAnet website and notify the DCC directly after the posting. The posting includes copies of the NOE documents and satisfies the DCCs requirement for final CEQA documentation.
Please continue periodically checking CEQAnet to find your NOE. Use the following fields to narrow down the database search and more quickly locate your document:
Start Range: 12/15/2024
End Range: Current Date
Document Type: NOE - Notice of Exemption
Lead/Public Agency: Los Angeles, City of
Press, “Get Results” and under "Title" look for "DCR CORE RECORD NO. XXXXXX"
Since DCR is notifying the DCC directly after the electronic posting, you are not required to email a copy of the NOE to the DCC. However, if you would still like to notify the DCC yourself, you can email them at Once the DCC receives the NOE, their team will review your record for renewal and/or transition to annual licensure.
Please reach out to with any questions or for more information.