April 28, 2022 Update: You can view the video archive below
Join the City of Los Angeles Department of Cannabis Regulation (DCR) and the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health (LADPH) for a Commercial Cannabis Facility Public Health Inspection Compliance webinar. The virtual event is scheduled on April 28 from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm and will cover future inspections as well as the County’s emblem program which aims to make visible to the public what shops that are licensed to sell cannabis. You can join the webinar here.
This webinar will include speakers from the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health’s Cannabis Compliance and Enforcement Program (CCEP), which provides plan review and approval services relating to the construction of new and remodeled commercial cannabis facilities (cultivation, distribution, manufacturing, and retail).
The workshop will cover the emblem program as well as the site evaluation process, which ensures commercial cannabis facilities are in compliance with State regulations and local ordinances relating to construction, building materials, equipment, equipment installation, and ventilation systems.
The emblem program - designed for authorized cannabis stores and administered by the County of Los Angeles in partnership with cities within the County of Los Angeles as a cross-jurisdictional effort - aims to deter the operation of unregulated cannabis stores in incorporated and unincorporated areas of the County.
The emblem program expects to protect consumers and stop the harmful effects caused by unlicensed and unregulated cannabis retailers in their local neighborhoods and communities. The program requires cannabis stores that have received all appropriate licenses, permits, or authorizations from the State of California and local governments to both display a unique emblem on the store’s premises so that it is highly visible to the public from the exterior of the store. The intent is to provide and make program-supplied, health-related information accessible to consumers so that consumers will have a clear signal the cannabis they are seeking to purchase has been laboratory tested and certified to be free from contaminants like pesticides, fecal matter, and other harmful substances.
The panelists will have a Q&A session at the end of the presentation. You may also submit your questions ahead of time here.
Join the meeting: https://cannabis-lacity-org.zoom.us/j/89544295558?pwd=RUVCUWNiSGVQeVg5bUxPQm9lWmhZUT09
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Webinar ID: 895 4429 5558
International numbers available: https://cannabis-lacity-org.zoom.us/u/kcdhcrXrvc