The Department of Cannabis Regulation (DCR) is pleased to announce it has begun issuing Notices of Complete Application through the annual license application process. DCR anticipates that the first applications for Storefront Retail and Microbusinesses with on-site sales (Types 10 and 12) will be heard by the Cannabis Regulation Commission (CRC) in April or May 2024, and all other applications (non-retail) will be approved by DCR on a rolling basis beginning in February 2024. DCR is prioritizing review of all applications based on following criteria: (1) upcoming State license expiration dates; (2) non-retail Social Equity businesses who do not have State provisional license; (3) Social Equity retail businesses; and, (4) all other businesses.
Please note that applicants and licensees cannot submit modifications once they receive a Notice of Complete Application. If a modification is necessary, applicants and licensees should consider submitting a modification request as soon as possible to avoid delaying their annual licensing review.
Below is a brief explanation of the annual licensing processes for retail and non-retail applications. Below is DCR’s annual application process, please visit this checklist to learn more about the State’s Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) annual application process and DCC annual license application checklist as both processes are going to be critical to all applicants. Please make sure to sign up for the DCC listserv to stay up to date on the State annual licensing process.
Non-Retail Applications
- Complete Annual License applications will receive a Notice of Complete Application.
- Within 90 days of sending the Notice of Complete Application, DCR will either grant or deny the issuance of the Annual License with no hearing. DCR may deny the issuance of the Annual License with written findings supported by evidence in the record for any of the reasons listed in LAMC Section 104.04. DCR may impose conditions to address public safety concerns.
- If the application is approved, DCR will file the Notice of Exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). There is a 35-day appeal period for CEQA determinations.
- If there is no appeal, DCR will issue the Annual License. The licensee may then request an Operating Permit if all requirements are met.
Storefront Retail and Microbusinesses with on-site retail sales (Type 10 or 12)
- Complete Annual License applications will receive a Notice of Complete Application.
- Within 10 days of receiving the Notice of Complete Application, the applicant or a designated representative must contact the Neighborhood Council in which the proposed Business Premises is located, and offer to appear before the Neighborhood Council to address questions about the application. Written evidence of the Applicant’s offer to appear shall be provided to DCR, such as an email to the Neighborhood Council or a copy of the meeting minutes.
- DCR will schedule a community meeting within 45 days of sending the Notice of Complete Application. Notice of the community meeting will be provided by DCR to the nearest Neighborhood Council, Business Improvement District, and Council Office. Notice of the community meeting will also be mailed to the owners and occupants of all property within 700 feet of the property line of the proposed Business Premises.
- The community meeting will be held virtually. During the meeting, DCR will accept written and oral testimony regarding the application. The testimony will be summarized into a report for the Cannabis Regulation Commision.
- Within 90 days of the date DCR sends a Notice of Complete Application, DCR will either deny the issuance of the Annual License with no hearing, or make a recommendation to the Cannabis Regulation Commission to issue the Annual License. DCR may deny the issuance of an Annual License based on written findings for any of the reasons listed in LAMC Section 104.04.
- If DCR recommends issuance of the Annual License, DCR will schedule the application to be heard by the Cannabis Regulation Commission. Notice of a public hearing (i.e. the Commission meeting) will be provided by DCR to the nearest Neighborhood Council, Business Improvement District, and Council Office. Notice of the Commission meeting will also be mailed to the owners and occupants of all property within 700 feet of the property line of the proposed Business Premises.
- The Commission will hold a public meeting to decide whether or not to issue the Annual License. During the Commission meeting, the Commission will hear public comment about the application and the Applicant or a designated representative may be provided time to speak about the application. The Commission may deny the issuance of an Annual License based on written findings for any of the reasons listed in LAMC Section 104.04. The Commission may impose conditions to address public safety concerns.
- If the application is approved by the Commission, DCR will file the Notice of Exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). There is a 35-day appeal period for CEQA determinations.
- If there is no appeal, DCR will issue the Annual License. The licensee may then request an Operating Permit if all requirements are met.
Please continue to monitor your inbox to stay up to date on emails from DCR about the Annual Licensing process. DCR will host a special edition of its monthly Q&A Virtual Lunch dedicated to the Annual Licensing process, including the steps outlined in this email. This webinar will take place at 12:00 PM on February 14, 2024. Please RSVP in advance and include your questions here.
If you have any questions, please contact DCRLicensing@lacity.org