I am very pleased to report that the Cannabis & Capital: Investors Networking Forum on February 24, 2023, was a huge success. Despite the unprecedented weather, the event was well attended by over 450 cannabis industry stakeholders. The event highlighted the excitement that still exists in this industry and included some helpful advice from the panels of executives and distinguished speakers. Thank you to Dr. Imani Brown and her entire team for working day and night to make this event a success. You can read more about it, and other important news, in this news bulletin, including:
- Reminder about the upcoming and critical State provisional license deadline on March 31, 2023;
- An update to the DCR licensing map with new sensitive use data;
- A citywide licensing update;
- A call to cannabis operators to sign up for public health inspections and the LA County Emblem Program;
- The SEED Rental Assistance Grant deadline;
- An update on the Cannabis Regulation Commission meetings;
- And other city news.
As always, if you have questions about DCR’s programs and services, please contact us at (213) 978-0738 or by email at cannabis@lacity.org

The deadline to apply for a California State provisional license is March 31, 2023. Those eligible must apply to DCC on or before March 31, 2023 to obtain a provisional license. Social Equity Applications submitted to DCC after March 31, 2023 may not qualify for a provisional license. After submitting your DCC application, you will have 90 calendar days to submit any missing documentation.
All applicants must have both a DCR/City-issued license AND a DCC/State-issued license to operate a cannabis business in the City of Los Angeles. A timeline of upcoming State deadlines can be found here.
Call DCR at (213) 978-0738 or visit our public counter on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM for more information and assistance.

The Los Angeles Municipal Code requires licensed cannabis businesses to be a certain distance from specified “sensitive uses,” such as schools, public parks and libraries. On February 1, 2023, new data was collected to provide the required quarterly update to the DCR Licensing Map concerning sensitive use locations.

This update will help new cannabis business license applicants submit a Temporary Approval application for a location that is compliant with these restrictions, including:

- A licensed retail storefront must be outside of a 700-foot radius of a:
- School
- Public Park
- Public Library
- Alcoholism or Drug Abuse Recovery or Treatment Facility
- Day Care Center
- Permanent Supportive Housing
- any other licensed storefront retailer
- A licensed non-storefront retailer (delivery), distributor, cultivator, non-volatile manufacturer or testing lab must be outside of a 600-foot radius of any School.
- A volatile manufacturer must be outside of a 600-foot radius of any School and a 200-foot radius of any Residentially Zoned Property.
To learn more about where a commercial cannabis business may operate within the City of Los Angeles including zoning requirements and sensitive use restrictions click here.

There are 773 commercial cannabis businesses (some businesses hold more than one license type) authorized to operate within the City.

Approximately half of all businesses are associated with social equity businesses and 40% of the City’s licensed business records are owned by Social Equity Individual Applicants (SEIAs). DCR anticipates that at least half of licensed businesses will be owned by Social Equity Individual Applicants by 2025.

In July 2022, the Department of Cannabis Regulation partnered with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACDPH) to roll out the Emblem Program for Authorized Cannabis Stores and public health inspections of commercial cannabis facilities. The aim of the Emblem Program is to provide retail facility owners with an Emblem placard to display in their storefront window to demonstrate that the shop is legal with all required state and local licenses and approvals.
Although initially rolled out on a voluntary basis, these public health inspections for licensees that hold Temporary Approval to operate will become a requirement when DCR begins its Annual Licensing process.
For more detailed information on the Emblem Program for Authorized Cannabis Stores and public health inspections of commercial cannabis facilities, please click here.

About 450 investors, cannabis operators, and cannabis brand representatives attended the first Cannabis & Capital: Investor’s Networking Forum on February 24, 2023, at the Los Angeles Convention Center. The Social Equity Program (SEP) event featured keynote speaker Cory Azzalino, CEO of Eaze, and other distinguished panelists.
Azzalino described the trends of the cannabis business over the years with insight on the status of the industry. Panelist Yvette McDowell, attorney and municipal cannabis consultant, urged operators to “date a potential investor,” meaning they should get to know them and see if they are the right fit before entering into a long-term business relationship with them.
Others stressed the importance of utilizing DCR programs like the Pro Bono/Low Bono Legal Services Program where legal advice can be provided for only $35 per hour. Current operators also shared their best practices and advice based on their own experiences.
Along with a photo booth to provide free professional headshots to attendees, the event also had dozens of exhibitors that sponsored booths for cannabis product brands, advocacy groups, investors and resource organizations.
Stay tuned for more information on the next SEP Cannabis Unite event on Saturday, June 17.
Click here to see photos of the event.

Cannabis business operators…need to make rent? DCR can help with that, but time and funds are running out! The $5 million Social Equity Entrepreneur Development (SEED) Rental Assistance Grant offers financial support services for qualifying verified Social Equity Individual Applicants (SEIA). Applications are accepted through 11:59 PM Pacific Time, March 30, 2023.
For the criteria to apply and additional resources, click here. To apply for the SEED Rental Assistance Grant, register for an account with Elevate Impact LA.
Reach out to DCR.SEP@lacity.org with any questions. For more information on other DCR resources available to verified SEIA, please visit our Social Equity Program page here.

Join DCR for its upcoming Q&A Virtual Lunch with Jason Killeen on Wednesday, March 8, 2023, at 12:00 PM via Zoom. For one hour, Assistant Executive Director Jason Killeen will field questions from those who presubmit questions and some that are provided during the online Q&A function during the webinar. You can RSVP and pre-submit questions here, and attend via Zoom.

Starting March 16, 2023, the Cannabis Regulation Commission will begin holding meetings in person. The March 16 meeting begins at 2:00 PM at Figueroa Plaza, 201 N Figueroa Ave, 9th floor, Los Angeles.
For the updated City of Los Angeles Cannabis Regulation Commission Rules And Operating Procedures, please click here.

Storm Updates and Resources
The City of Los Angeles has now opened two supplemental winter shelters at Recreation & Parks Facilities. These are short-term, walk-in shelters — no appointments or vouchers required:
- Glassell Park Recreation Center -- 3650 Verdugo Road, LA 90065; (323) 257-1863
- Van Nuys Sherman Oaks Recreation Center -- 14201 Huston Street, Sherman Oaks 91423; (818) 783-5122
Those looking for assistance can call LA County 2-1-1 for transport to a shelter.
In addition, any LA City indoor public facility may serve as shelter from extreme cold and rain during normal business hours, including:

To report storm related issues, call 3-1-1 or download the cellphone app MyLA311.
Visit Emergency.lacity.org or click here for more information.