Greetings & Happy November,
As we enter the season of giving and reflect on our blessings, the Los Angeles Department of Cannabis Regulation's - Social Equity Program team wishes you and your loved ones a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving.
Let's run through a quick outline of this email:
- Welcome and congratulations to our newly verified Social Equity Individual Applicant (SEIA)
- SEED 2022
- Pro Bono/Low Bono Legal Services Survey
- November Webinar Schedule
- Navigating California Cannabis Laws Webinars
- Over 300 hours of free coaching!
- Business-to-Business
- Employer Tool Kit
- What We're Consuming
- DCR's Job Board
As always, feel free to email DCR.SEP@lacity.org if you have any questions.
Hello Newly Verified Social Equity Individual Applicants,
Congratulations and welcome to the City of Los Angeles, Department of Cannabis Regulation (DCR) Social Equity Program (SEP). Your perseverance, diligence, and hard work has paid off. You have taken the next step, and you are now a verified Social Equity Individual Applicant (SEIA).
To help you succeed as a SEIA, a wide range of SEP tools and resources are immediately available just for you, including financial grant opportunities, business coaching, legal, and educational courses, among others. These services and resources are exclusively available to SEIA’s and are designed to fast-track your business development model and provide real-world, practical information, best practices, and education that you can apply directly to your business.
Start now and begin accessing all DCR - SEP tools and resources. Keep moving forward. I encourage you to utilize the following SEP resources SEIA BLC Success Tools.
Send an email to dcr.sep@lacity.org or call 213-978-0738 to speak with a DCR representative.
Welcome aboard.

All the Best,
Dr. Imani Brown
Social Equity Program Director

Dear Social Equity Individual Applicant and Licensee:
In our continuing efforts to provide support resources and services that cultivate business success, the Los Angeles Department of Cannabis Regulation (DCR) encourages all verified Social Equity Individual Applicants (SEIA) and those with an active application to apply now for the $5 million Social Equity Entrepreneur Development (SEED) 2022 Rental Assistance Grant Program. The application period opened September 30, 2022, and runs through March 30, 2023 (11:59 PM PT).
To apply online, register for an account at Elevate Impact LA
SEED 2022 Rental Assistance Grant Program
Verified Social Equity Individual Applicants (SEIAs) of Phase 3 Retail Round 1 and all other SEIAs with an active application or license are encouraged to apply now to receive up to $50,000 or $10,000 for rental assistance. Those who apply must meet the following criteria:*
SEED 1.0
$50,000 Grant Eligibility - Verified Phase 3 Retail Round 1 SEIAs whose applications have been deemed eligible for further processing and who have an executed lease or a binding Letter of Intent
SEED 2.0
$10,000 Grant Eligibility - Verified SEIAs who have executed leases in all other license types (excluding Phase 3 Retail Round 1).
*Applicants who receive funds under SEED 1.0 are not eligible for SEED 2.0. Applicants who receive funds under SEED 2.0 are not eligible for SEED 1.0.
How can I use the SEED 1.0 & 2.0 Rental Assistance Grant Funds?
- To pay rent on a fully executed commercial lease.
- To finance up to one month of back rent due on a fully executed commercial lease.
- To secure a binding Letter of Intent by paying the required security deposit.
- To assist with tenant build-out costs as long as estimates and/or unpaid invoices totaling the grant amount are submitted with the grant application.
To apply online, register for an account at Elevate Impact LA
The City of Los Angeles established the SEED Grant Program in April of 2021. The SEED Grant Program utilizes funding from the Cannabis Equity Grant for Local Jurisdictions (CEG Grant) to provide direct financial assistance to verified Social Equity Individual Applicants and Licensees. To date, the City of Los Angeles has dedicated $11 million towards the SEED Grant Program with funds made available through 2019, 2020, and 2022 CEG Grant awards. The Rules and Regulations for the SEED Grant Program can be found on page 46 here. The City of Los Angeles reserves the right to evaluate and revise the SEED Grant Program at any time in the future based on information gathered in its evaluation.
For more information on other DCR resources available to verified SEIA, please visit our BLC page here.
If you have questions about the SEED Rental Assistance Grant Program or the Social Equity program, please send an email to DCR.SEP@lacity.org.
The City of Los Angeles Department of Cannabis Regulation is responsible for administering the commercial cannabis licensing and regulatory program established by the Los Angeles City Council. Specifically, DCR processes all applications for commercial cannabis licenses in the City of Los Angeles, makes licensing decisions or licensing recommendations to the Cannabis Regulation Commission, and regulates the operations of licensed commercial cannabis businesses in the City.

In our continuing commitment to provide resources and services that cultivate opportunity and business success, the Los Angeles Department of Cannabis Regulation’s (DCR) Social Equity Program announces the launch of the Low Bono Legal Services Program in partnership with the Los Angeles County Bar Association (LACBA), effective immediately.
In addition to our pro bono program that provides up to 10 hours of free legal advice for verified Social Equity Individual Applicants (SEIA), DCR has partnered with LACBA to develop a low bono program that allows those who qualify to receive up to 30 hours of legal advice at a discounted rate of $35 per hour. Outside of this program, attorney’s fees can range from $350 to $750 per hour. Eligible users will be linked to the LACBA Cannabis Section and attorneys specializing in contracts, leases, business structures, labor law, landlord/tenant law, and more.
Access to affordable legal services continues to be a barrier for the social equity cannabis community. The Los Angeles licensed cannabis business sector is still a relatively new and emerging industry. It is critical that entrepreneurs seek and obtain legal counsel early to avoid predatory practices, pitfalls and mistakes.
If you are receiving this email, you may be eligible for the Low Bono Legal Services Program. In order to apply, complete the Pro Bono/Low Bono Legal Services Survey and upload the required Pro Bono / Low Bono Authorization Agreement. Once an eligibility review is complete, LACBA will contact the individual to schedule an appointment.*
*Due to demand and availability, the City of Los Angeles reserves the right to evaluate and revise the Low Bono Legal Services Program at any time in the future based on information gathered in its evaluation.
For more information on other DCR resources available to verified SEIAs, please visit our Social Equity Program page here.
If you have questions about the Low Bono Legal Services Program or the Social Equity program, please send an email to DCR.SEP@lacity.org.
DCR is responsible for administering the commercial cannabis licensing and regulatory program established by the Los Angeles City Council. Specifically, DCR processes all applications for commercial cannabis licenses in the City of Los Angeles, makes licensing decisions or licensing recommendations to the Cannabis Regulation Commission, and regulates the operations of licensed commercial cannabis businesses in the City. The attorney services provided under the Pro Bono and Low Bono Programs are not provided by and are independent from DCR, do not provide greater access to DCR, and do not establish an attorney-client relationship with DCR and its attorneys. All liability with respect to the actions taken or not taken based on legal advice obtained from Pro Bono and Low Bono Programs is expressly disclaimed.

DCR is proud to offer cannabis entrepreneurs three webinar introductions to the different State of California departments you will navigate to start and run a Social Equity Cannabis business in LA.
- 11/3 @ 6 PM California Department of Cannabis Control
- 11/15 @ 6 PM California Occupational Safety and Health Administration
- 11/17 @ 6 PM California Department of Tax and Fee Administration

Coaching is professional consulting sponsored by DCR, to help you in tough situations, develop strategic plans, and build your best team.
Your Coach will:
- Offer customized learning experiences tailored to your needs.
- Work one-to-one with you, not with a group of people.
- Offer practical advice.
- Get you to the next level.
Coaching happens on your time schedule. Coaching is different for everyone. Please schedule a 15-Minute virtual assessment with a guidance counselor.
For businesses that need specific expertise, please schedule a 15-Minute virtual assessment to determine your next steps and to find you the best subject-matter expert in the following categories:
- Exploratory: Select a license type and define your business model.
- Commercial Leases & Negotiation
- Contracts or Business Structures
- Planning and creating a business plan.
- Operational: You are open, operating, and have hot issues to deal with daily.
- Workforce Development and HR: Need to hire, improve or refine your workforce.
For job seekers, please check out our free coaching opportunities:
- Interview Training
- Resume review
- Resume writing assistance
- Mock interview with the coach
- Coaching for Job Seekers
- Skills required
- How to apply
- Where to find cannabis jobs

Monthly Business to Business Mixer!
Wednesday, November 9th
The Business to Business 10 AM - 12 PM
The Business of People 12 PM - 1 PM
- Feature your business, find opportunities, share best practices, and network with other cannabis-related businesses in Los Angeles.
- Live interactive discussions with featured companies on distribution, real estate, business operations, HR, and more.
- Ask anything! Open discussion for companies to meet and network.
To have your company featured, email LAequity@oaksterdamuniversity.com.

EMPLOYER TOOLKIT: A single source for what YOU need to know.
- Resources for Hiring Employees
- Compliance Responsibilities
- Reporting
- Determining Employee vs.Contractor
- Payroll Taxes
- Responding to Unemployment Claims
- Covid-19 Safety in the Workplace
- CA Regulatory Agency Information
Access the Employer Toolkit on DCR’s Licensed Employer’s Resources Google Drive! User Guide: Employer Hiring Toolkit
Tools are arranged according to the “employee life cycle,” which follows the entire process of finding, hiring, and eventually offboarding an employee.
- Video: Recruitment and Hiring
- Video: Onboarding, Training, Retention, and Offboarding
- Video: General Overview Skills and Experience to Hire For by License Type
Templates & Checklists: Employee Lifecycle: Employer Requirements in California

Los Angeles Cannabis UNITE is a night in commemoration of Los Angeles Social Equity Cannabis Operators & Innovators, the DCR Good Faith Hiring Program and our Community Organization allies.
The Mayfair Hotel
1256 W 7th St Los Angeles
December 3rd 6 P.M. - 9 P.M.
- Activation Areas
- Networking
- Food & Drinks
- Art Installations
- DCR Job Board Access
- Music
- Topical Rooms
- Industry Experts
- Storytelling

- Biden calls for review of marijuana scheduling, pardons thousands for MJ offenses
- Nervous about going to an L.A. weed shop? This beginner’s guide will help
- Endorsement: Yes on L.A. County Measure C for regulated cannabis sales
- Cannabis Users Are Denied Liver Transplants For No Apparent Reason, Study Finds
- Schumer's Legalization Bill Is 'Like California Cannabis Program On Steroids' Says Industry Expert & Military Veteran
- Nearly 1 million cannabis plants seized during California crackdown
- California Lawmaker Unveils Bill To Legalize Direct-To-Consumer Marijuana Sales Nationwide
- Major changes are coming to California’s legal cannabis market
- How Will Biden's Cannabis Pardon Affect California?
- Could pot companies get more favorable tax treatment?
- Opinion: 3 ways to protect a cannabis business partnership from litigation
- Marijuana growers in mature markets call for license moratorium amid falling prices
- U.S. Sentencing Commission Estimates That 6,577 People Could Receive Pardons
- Five States To Vote on Recreational Cannabis This Election Season
- Governor Newsom’s Cannabis Enforcement Task Force Eradicates Over $15 Million Worth of Illegal Cannabis
California Makes Marijuana Users a Protected Class