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Upcoming Webinar: Branding 101 Tuesday April 10 at 12pm

Join this live webinar entitled “Branding for Cannabis Startups: Everything You Need to Know,” featuring subject matter expert, Jake Kuczeruk.

In the rapidly growing cannabis industry, branding is everything. With heavy regulations, fierce competition, and evolving consumer expectations, your brand needs to do more than just stand out—it needs to build trust and loyalty. This webinar will cover the fundamentals of cannabis branding, including crafting a strong identity, leveraging social media, and navigating the unique challenges of marketing in the industry. Learn when to outsource vs. hire in-house, the importance of research, and how to create a brand that resonates with your audience. The webinar will include a Question & Answer period.

To join the webinar: 

Click here.

BLC Free Coaching

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1:1 Coaching Indemnification Form
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We are thrilled to announce that one-on-one coaching is back. We currently offer over 1,500 hours of free business, professional, and workforce development coaching with subject-matter experts from a wide range of expertise. If you are interested in signing up for this resource, please sign and return the Coaching Indemnification form above. For more information, please reach out to

Business, Licensing and Compliance Assistance


BLC Assistance Program LMS Portal

The Department of Cannabis Regulation has recently launched its online Business, Licensing and Compliance (BLC) Assistance Program’s Learning Management System (LMS). Through the BLC Assistance Program LMS Portal you will have access to online courses, digital resources and educational events. There is currently over 90 hours of education content on subjects such as: Branding & Marketing, Financial Planning and Security Requirements just to name a few. Please note, the LMS is only available to verified Social Equity Individual Applicants.

Click here to access the LMS Portal

PDF iconLMS Instructions

If you are a verified Social Equity Individual Applicant and you cannot login, please fill out the form below. 

Please email if you have any questions.

Programming to Directly Assist Social Equity Entrepreneurs in Launching a Commercial Cannabis Business in Los Angeles

DCR has selected five vendors to provide targeted programming to Social Equity entrepreneurs interested in launching a commercial cannabis business in Los Angeles. This online programming will cover State and Local licensing Requirements, Commercial Cannabis Regulations, Cannabis Specific Business Development & Workforce Development, General Business Development, Cannabis Technology Business Development Services Education.


North Star Alliances
Los Angeles Metropolitan Churches
MK Partners Logo


High Demand Development
Oaksterdam University

North Star Alliances

Los Angeles Metropolitan Churches

MK Partners

High Demand Development

Oaksterdam University